
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Salted Fish Fried Rice... Yum.. yum..

Welcome back with me lizzie.. ^^
Let's talk about rice. I believe that everyone know what is rice. Yup, Rice is Asia's staple food. The main meal in Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand Cambodia, China, and Korea is rice and fish. In Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka a meal means rice, pulses,vegetables and some meat. Rice is cooked in many different ways,such as steamed, fried, and roasted. For today, I want to make Salted Fish Fried Rice. This is also one of my boyfriend favorite food. In Indonesia, we usually eat Salted Fish Fried Rice in Quali (name of a restaurant). In the Netherlands, is hard to find a restaurant which sells a good fried rice. That's way I decided to make it by myself. 

Salted Fish Fried Rice

  • 4 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 75gr dry salted fish
  • 200gr shrimps, cut into 1 cm length
  • 2 scallion, cut into 1 cm length
  • 500gr cooked rice
  • 50gr bean sprouts
  • 1tbs soy sauce
  • 1tbs sweet soy sauce
  • salt and pepper to taste 
  • oil to fry
Your Ingredient

Method of Cooking:
  1. Heat up the oil, add the garlic, stir it and wait until aromatic (the color turn a little bit brown).
  2. Add the soy sauce and shrimps then stir until the shrimps are cooked.
  3. Add the beaten egg, dry salted fish, bean sprouts, scallion and the cooked rice. Turn off the heat.
  4. Mix everything well and season the fried rice with salt, pepper and sweet soy sauce. 
  5. Turn the stove back on to medium heat, stir well until it cooked. 
  6. Finally, we can start eating our fried rice... ENJOY YOUR SALTED FISH FRIED RICE.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Uhhh... lekker Nasi Empal ala Lizzie

Hoi.. hoi...
Long time no see.. Nice weather last week and it might be the only summer days in the Netherlands. Ha..Ha.. Ha.. That's why I was "busy" doing other things (enjoying the sun).
But for now, Let's start cooking Nasi Empal!!!!

Empal is one of my and my boyfriend favourite food. In general, Empal is a slow cooked then fried beef (of course with spices to make it taste gooooood).
Nasi Empal
Ingredients for Empal:
  • 1kg beef
  • 400ml coconut milk
  • 4 bay leaves (daun salam) 
  • water to boil the beef
Ingredients for spice paste:
  • 5 shallots
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 7cm galangal
  • 10g brown sugar
  • 1tbs tamarind
  • 3tbs coriander
  • salt and sugar to taste 
  • oil to fry

Your Ingredients
Method of cooking
  1. Cut the beef into big and thick slices, then boil it in water until tender (it takes at least 30 minutes. If the beef is still hard, keep on boiling. Tips: Pressure cooker will make your life easier here). Don't throw away the beef stock you get from this.
  2. Cut the beef into 1-2 cm thick slices. After that smash the beef to flatten it. The reason I don't cut the beef directly into thin slices, is this way you will get a better looking slices of Empal.  

  3. Empal before frying
  4. Put all the spice paste ingredients into a food processor to make the spice paste.
  5. Boil the spice paste with the coconut milk and bay leaves until cooked. Then add the stock (you get it from the first step). After that add the beef, season it with salt and sugar then boil them again in medium heat until the water is completely reduced.
  6. Strain the beef then fry it but not too long only until the color is changed.
  7. Empal, Tofu and Tempe
  8. Eat the Empal with steam rice, fried tofu,  fried tempe and HOT sambal. Eet Smakelijk allemaal.
HOT Sambal

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My sweet Mung Bean ^^

How are you my friends?

Our topic today is about dessert. Dessert is something sweet and usually served at the end of a meal. Our dessert today is very simple, you only need mung bean, coconut milk and ice (optional). Mung beans are good source of protein. It is also high in fiber, has lot's of benefits for the immune and metabolism system. When I was in Indonesia, my mom usually made it for me or we could buy it in our favorite shop. Here in the the Netherlands, I found the Mung bean in the oriental market. So, I decided to make Mung bean with the coconut milk.  Do you want to try it?

Mung Bean in coconut milk

My sweet Mung bean

Serves : 6 portions

Mung bean
  • 200 gr mung bean (soaked in water for one night)
  • 500 ml water
  • 3 pandan leaves
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 200 gr brown sugar
  • 100 gr sugar 
  • 1 tbs cornstarch (mix with 30 ml water)
Method of Cooking:
  1. Boil the soaked mung bean with water (change the water, don't use the soaked water).
  2. When it is boiled, reduce the heat. Add brown sugar, sugar and pandan leaves. 
  3. Cook further until it cooked and softened then add the cornstarch. Stir it and wait until boiled. 

Coconut Milk
  • 300 ml coconut milk
  • 200 ml water
  • 3 tsp salt
  • 3 pandan leaves
Method of Cooking :
  1. Heat the coconut milk, water, salt and pandan leaves in medium heat.
  2. Stir it slowly and wait until it boiled. 
  3. You can serve it hot or cold with ice on top.
Enjoy your day and Welcome to Ramadan (for Mooslem people)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Spare ribs in Summer !!!

Hey my friends,

Yesterday was a very cool rainy a long day and hard wind. Where is my Summer?
I wanted to go outside with no jacket, enjoy the sunshine and barbeque with friends. But if the weather like yesterday,we can only stay in home, watch movie, experiment with food. 
My boyfriend like spare ribs very much. We eat spare ribs once in a week. So, last weekend he asked me, why don't we make our spare ribs. And then we experimented with our own spare ribs. Hmmm... delicious.. yum.. yum..

Home made Spare Ribs

Our experiment with spare ribs was a success and he liked it very much. For the condiment we also made french fries.

Set Menu Home Made Spare Ribs

Enjoy your day... and Smakelijk Eten !!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Simple, fresh and delicious food ^^

Welcome back, with me again !!!

Today, I want to share about simple, fresh and delicious food. What is that?
I call it orak arik. In Indonesian, Orak arik means mixing any kind of ingredients. You can also give another name to this food. This food is suitable for vegetarian people. It consists of carrot, ear mushroom, cauliflower, and egg.

Carrot is among the most widely grown and popular vegetables in the world. Carrots can be eaten in various ways. It can be eaten raw, boiled, fried, steamed, or cooked in a soup or stew. For more information about carrot's nutrition you can read it from here.

Ear Mushroom is particularly popular in Asia. For any kind of mushroom you can see it here. 

Cauliflower is my last main ingredient today.  I usually use broccoli. But as I wrote earlier, you can use any ingredient you want. And this time I have one too many cauliflower at home. So let's start cooking.

Serves : 4 portions

Orak- Arik

  • 2 carrots, cut into thin slices
  • 100g ear mushroom (how to prepare dry ear mushroom)
  • 300g cauliflower, boiled
  • 2 eggs, scrambled
  • 20g onion, chopped
  • 1 clove of garlic, chopped
  • 1 tbs soy sauce
  • salt and pepper to taste 
  • 1 tbs oil to stir fry

Your Ingredients

Method of cooking :
  1. Heat up the pan, add onion and garlic then stir until aromatic and the color turn a bit brown.
  2. Add the soy sauce, cauliflower and carrot then wait until half cooked.
  3. Add the scrambled egg and ear mushroom then season it with salt and pepper.
  4. Stir it again until cooked and it's ready to eat

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lekker... Opor Ayam (Braised Chicken in Coconut milk)

Halooo, Welcome Back !!!

Finally, I can write a blog again. How are you my friends?
Yesterday I was so busy, but I still had time to make Opor Ayam (Braised Chicken with Coconut milk). This food is also a popular dish for lebaran or Ed ul Fitr. It contains not only chicken and coconut milk, but also galangal, lemongrass and lime leaves.

I will give some information about galangal, lemongrass and lime leaves. 
Galangal has a distinct flavor that combines bitter, sour, and spicy together. Galangal reduces the fish smell in food. For more information please click here

Lemongrass has a citrus flavor. Lemongrass is used in Indonesian, Malaysian, Vietnamese and Thai cuisine. It can be found fresh, frozen, dried or grounded into a powder. 

Lime leaves are thick, dark green, shinny on the top, porous and pale on the back. A leaf has two connecting leaves which I call ‘double leaves’. The leaves  are very aromatic and can be consumed if cooked or very thinly sliced.

Let's start cooking
Opor Ayam (Braised Chicken in Coconut Milk) 
Serves 4 portions  

Opor Ayam

  • 1/2 kg chicken cut into 4 pieces
  • 4 egg, hard boiled
  • 1 block of tofu cut into 6 pieces
  • 100 ml thick coconut milk 
  • 200 ml water
  • 2 lemongrass
  • 2 cm galangal
  • 4 lime leaves
  • 10 g brown sugar
  • sugar and salt to taste
  • 2 tbs oil to stir fry
Spice Paste:
  • 2 tsp coriander seeds
  • 5 candlenuts
  • 1 tsp cumin powder
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 4 shallots
  • 1 cm ginger
  • salt to taste 

Your Ingredients

Method of Cooking:
  1. Blend the spice paste ingredients with a food processor until it become paste. You can also use the traditional method. It's called ulek-ulek in Indonesian. 

  2. Ulek-ulek

  3. Deep fry the tofu until a little bit brown, and fry the chicken until half cooked.

  4. Fried Tofu, Boiled Egg and Chicken

  5. Heat the oil in a sauce pan, add the grounded spice paste and stir it until aromatic. 
  6. Add water, lemongrass, galangal, brown sugar and lime leaves then stir it slowly.
  7. Add tofu, chicken and the hard boiled egg, wait until boiled. 
  8. Add coconut sauce, stir it again and wait until cooked.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Yummy... My Fried Dumpling with Noodle !!!

Welcome Friends,

For today, I will write about Fried Pangsit with Noodle. Noodle is one of my favorite food.
Noodle is easy to make and very delicious.. Yum ... Yum ....
Have you ever eaten noodle? Spaghetti and Ramen are varieties of noodles. 

What is Noodle?
Noodle is a type of staple food made from some type of unleavene dough which is rolled flat and cut into one of a variety of shapes. While long thin strips may be the most common, many varieties of noodles are cut into waves, helices, tubes, strings, shells, folded over, or cut into other shapes. For more information, please click here. 

And what is Dumpling?
Dumpling are cooked balls of dough. They are based on flour, potatoes or bread, and may include meat, fish, vegetables, or sweets. They may be cooked by boiling, steaming, simmering, frying, or baking. My dumpling is called pangsit in Indonesian. We can eat pangsit fried or steamed. But today, i will make fried pangsit.

Fried Pangsit with Noodle


  • 150g pork/chicken minced
  • 150g shrimp minced
  • 50g onion finely chopped
  • 70g water chestnut finely chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • lumpia skin
  • 1 tbs corn starch
  • 15 ml water 
  • salt and papper to taste
Method of cooking Pangsit
  1. Mix the shrimp, pork/ chicken, water chestnut, garlic and onion with salt and pepper. Make sure that everything is mixed well.  Mix corn starch with water with another bowl.
  2. Take one lumpia skin and fill it with the mix ingredients except water and corn starch. One tea spoon of the filling is enough.

  3. First Step
  4. Fold the lumpia skin, and make sure that the skin cannot be easily opened, you can used the mix of water and corn starch to glue it.

  5. Second Step
  6. Finally turn round the lumpia skin and make it like this.
Third Step
I will show you my pangsit. you can make fried pangsit or steamed pangsit. Hmmm.. Lekker...:p


You can buy noodle in the supermarket. Usually i use egg noodle for my noodle dish. Egg noodles are heartier and sturdier than regular pasta because they are made with only egg yolks and no egg whites.

  • Water (depends on how much you will cook the noodle, make sure that your noodle is under the water )
  • 1 tbs of oil
  • 1 tsp of soy sauce
  • 1 tsp of sesame oil
  • pepper to taste
How to cook Noodle:
  1. Place 1 tbs oil in the pan and heat the pan with high heat. Wait until boiled. 
  2. Add egg noodle in the pan. Stir it and wait until 3 minutes.
  3. Mix soy sauce, sesame oil and pepper in the bowl.
  4. Strained the noodle and put it in the bowl. Make sure that you have mixed it well.
Meat ( You can use pork or chicken )

  • 200 g pork or chicken, minced
  • 3 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 40 g onion, chopped
  • 50 g ears mushroom (to cook ears mushroom see here), chopped  
  • 3 tbs oil to stir fry
  • 1 tbs soy sauce
  • 2 tbs sweet soy sauce
Here is your ingredients picture:
Your ingredients

Method of cooking:
  1. Put the oil in the pan and heat it until high heat. Add garlic and onion into the pan. Stir it slowly then wait until aromatic and the color turn a little bit brown.
  2. Add the chicken or pork. Stir it then add soy sauce.
  3. Stir it again, add the mushroom and wait until cooked.
Garnish and Condiment

You can use scallion (cut 1 cm) and fried onion.

You can make Chicken Stock for the condiment and garnish with scallion.
Chicken stock : 1 cube of chicken bouillon mix with 300 ml of water

 Have a nice day with your fried dumpling with noodle !!!

Fried Dumpling with Noodle

Sunday, July 8, 2012

HOT... HOT... HOT... !!! Ice Cendol, Please...

Hello Sunshine !!!

For this summer, I want to introduce my favorite drink from South East Asia which is popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand. 

In Indonesia we called it Ice Cendol or Ice Dawet. Ice Cendol basic ingredients are coconut milk, a worm-like jelly made from rice flour with green food coloring (usually derived from the pandan leaf), ice and palm sugar.  Are you ready to make it?


Ice Cendol


  • 250g palm sugar
  • 50g sugar
  • 200 ml water
  • 3 pandan leaves
Coconut Milk
  • 200ml Coconut Milk
  • 200ml water
  • 3 pandan leaves
  • 100g jack fruit, diced
Method of Cooking:
  1. Mix hunkwee flour, rice flour with 200 ml water. Heat up the pan with green food coloring and 450 ml water. Stir it slowly and wait until it boiled. Pour the mixed flour into the pan, turn the stove to low heat. Stir it faster and make sure that everything are boiled and mix well together. 
  2. Put lots of ice in a bowl. Make sure that your water is ice cold. Put this thing up side the bowl. i don't know the name of this thing, but i will show you a picture. You can use anything that looks like this, the most important are the holes.

  3. Add caption
  4. Pour the boiled flour into this thing and make sure that you do it quickly. Press the flour and let it down into the cold water. And then it will be like this.

  5. The Cendol

  6. Mix the palm sugar, sugar and water with pandan leaves and heat them until boiled.
  7. Boiled Sugar
  8. Mix the coconut milk, water, pandan leaves and salt in a separate pan, heat them until boiled.
  9. Cooked Coconut milk
  10. Wait until everything is cooled then start mixing. First the sugar, then the cendol and finally the coconut milk. Add some jack fruit on the top.
  11. Ice Cendol
    Ready To Serve

Friday, July 6, 2012

OH... Where Is My Ginger?

Welcome back..

Today, I want to tell you a story about ginger.  Ginger is an herb. Ginger is used as a spice and also as a medicine. It can be used fresh, dried and powdered, or as a juice or oil. For more information please click in here.

Although this summer, the weather is unstable. Yesterday was very hot and today is cold. I miss Indonesian weather. Indonesian has more stable weather than The Netherlands. Of course, because Indonesian is in the equator. So, I would like to make ginger tea.

Ginger Tea with Honey 

Serve : 4 people

Ingredients :
Direction :
  1. Slice the ginger into coins.
  2. Heat the ginger and water to a boil in small pot. 
  3. Add  honey to hot water and transfer to a tea pot. 
  4. Add tea bags to pot and steep.
  5. Remove bags and serve tea.
  6. Have a nice day with your Ginger Tea :p.
Ginger Tea with Honey

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Back with me again...

Our topic today isn't about food but I will share my experience about Floriade 2012.
Many people especially in the Netherlands, I think they are already know about Floriade.
Yes.. Floriade is an expo to introduce their country to everyone.  For more detail information you can see in here.

Well, because it is an expo, we can see the World Show Stage from many country. For example : Italy, Spain, Belgium, Afghanistan, China, South Korea, India and of course from Indonesia.

We can also see their attraction, buy their products and eat or drink their food.

Tropical Treasures

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Hey.. Everyone...
We meet again...

Today I want to use tofu again,but this tofu is different compared to yesterday's. We can call it Silken or Soft or Japanese Tofu. Why is this tofu different? Because this tofu has a softer consistency than regular tofu and will fall apart if not handled carefully.

This is a tip for people who want to go on a diet. Tofu has low calorie count, relatively large amount of protein, and little fat.

Stir Fried Silk Tofu with Shrimp

Stir Fried Silk Tofu with Shrimp

  • 200g shrimp, peeled
  • 500g silken tofu
  • 20g dried ears mushroom
  • 70g onion, finely chopped
  • 4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 spring onion, cut into 1cm
  • 3 bird eyes chili (optional, if you don't like spicy food)
  • 100 g carrot, thinly sliced
  • 60 g corn starch (for frying tofu)
  • 30ml + 1/2 tbs corn starch (for thickening)
  • 1 egg, beaten 
  • 3 tbs oyster sauce
  • 1 tbs  sweet soy sauce
  • 1 tsp sesame oil 
  • 3 tbs oil to stir fry
  • 1 cube of chicken bouillon mix with 300 ml of water
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • oil to deep fry
This should be your ingredients


Now, let's start cooking
  1. Put dried ears mushroom into a bowl of hot water for 3 minutes and it will become like this. 
  2. Ear Mushroom

  3. Slice the silk tofu into 1 cm thick
  4. Before
  5. Dip the tofu in the beaten egg then put it in then corn starch until coated with the corn starch and fry it in medium heat oil until golden.
  6. Fried Silk Tofu
  7. Heat the oil to high heat. Add garlic and onion until aromatic and the color turn a bit brown. 
  8. Add shrimp,  and keep stirring until the color changed
  9. Stir Fried Shrimp
  10. Add the chicken bouillon, carrots, ear mushroom. Stir again for 30 seconds, Then add the tofu. Make sure to stir slowly not to break the tofu.
  11. Finally, add the oyster sauce, sweet soy sauce, sesame oil, salt and pepper. Wait until the everything is boiled and cooked. Slowly pour the dissolved corn starch to thickened the dish. 
  12. Again, Selamat Makan or Eet Smakelijk ....

    Tuesday, July 3, 2012

    My First Blog Post !!!!

    I am not a popular person..  I am just an ordinary person... 
    But I want to learn new things...

    This is my first blog, 
    My name is Elisabeth Tjandra. I'm from Surabaya, Indonesia, but now I live in Den Haag, The Netherlands. This is my third week since I live in Here. I found new things in this country. I like this country but I prefer to Indonesian especially with the food...Yummy...

    For my first story, I want to introduce very simple food..
    My mother always made them for me, but today i tried to make my own and the results was delicious.
    I want to share that food with people especially those who want also to try simple Indonesian home cooking.

    Bali Tahu telor
    This food is combination between Tofu and Egg with sweet and spicy sauce.
    As far as I know the word Bali don't actually have any direct relation with Bali Islands :p

    Bali Tahu Telor


    Serve 4 people

    Bali Sauce
    For the tofu and egg
    • 1 block of tofu
    • 5 eggs
    • oil to fry 
    Cooking Method
    1. Slice the tofu into 1 cm thick slices, and deep-fry it in 180C oil, stirring occasionally until golden.
    2. Hard boiled the egg, then put in cold water, so it will be easy to peel. After that, cut the egg into two pieces. Finally deep fry them so that the outer layer of the eggs turns golden brown and crisp (be careful, it only take few seconds).
    3. Use food processor to blend all Bali sauce ingredients except palm sugar, lemongrass, sweet soy sauce and bay leaves. Make sure it turn into smooth paste.
    4. Heat 2 tbs oil until medium heat then add the paste. Stir fry it until aromatic then add the water, lemongrass, palm sugar and bay leaves. Keep stirring it slowly for 1 minute.
    5. Add the tofu and egg, stir it slowly then add sweet soy sauce. Wait until it boil while stirring slowly. 
    6. Finally serve it with steam rice and start eating. SELAMAT MAKAN OR EET SMAKELIJK